
What are cysts?
Cysts occur when skin cells move deeper into the skin instead of to the surface of the skin so they can shed. The skin cells get trapped in a sac-like pocket and fill with a liquid or semisolid substance that may cause inflammation and pain. Cysts can occur anywhere in the body.
How do you remove cysts?
Some small cysts can be left alone. However, cysts can grow or become inflamed over time. Do not try to drain the cyst yourself, as it can become infected and painful! We recommend that you schedule an office visit with us to see if we need to drain the cyst, inject it with a local steroid to pacify the inflammation, or to treat a possible infection. If we think it is infected, we will collect a culture of the fluid and send it to the lab to confirm and we may prescribe you antibiotics.
The removal of the cyst consists of us injecting the cyst with a local anesthetic to numb the area. Then, we drain the cyst and remove the sac so that the cyst is completely removed and does not reoccur. We may need to place sutures depending on the size of the cyst. We remove the sutures after 7-14 days. Please contact our office if you have a cyst. Cysts that are left untreated or that are picked at can become infected.
Common Causes of Cysts
Blocked Ducts or Glands: Cysts can form when sebaceous or milk ducts become blocked.
Infections: Infections like abscesses or parasitic conditions can lead to cyst development.
Inflammation: Conditions like PCOS and ganglion cysts often arise from inflammation or hormonal imbalances.
Genetic Factors: Inherited conditions like polycystic kidney disease (PKD) can cause cysts.
Injury or Trauma: Physical trauma may result in cysts forming in bones or soft tissues.
Developmental Abnormalities: Cysts like dermoid cysts form due to issues during fetal development.
Hormonal Changes: Ovarian cysts often develop due to menstrual cycle hormonal shifts.
Chronic Skin Conditions: Acne can lead to cystic lesions from blocked and inflamed pores.
Tumors: Some cysts form as part of cystic tumors or growths.​