Warts & Skin Tags

What are warts?
Warts are common non-cancerous skin growths caused by a virus that affects the skin. Warts are transmitted most commonly by direct skin contact. And yes, warts are contagious! Warts can appear on any area and are common on fingers, hands, and feet. Warts can also appear in the genital areas.
How do you remove warts?
We have multiple methods to remove warts. These methods include LASER, electrocautery, excision, and chemical peels.We also have an acid solution for our pediatric patients which is well tolerated and not painful. You may require several sessions to completely remove the wart, depending on the treatment.
Genital Warts

How do you get genital warts?
Genital warts are often spread by direct skin contact. They are contagious and should be removed.
How do you remove genital warts?
We offer same-day genital wart removal using surgical and nonsurgical methods.
Benefits of removing warts include:
Lower risk of spreading the virus
Relief of associated pain and itching
Biopsy to confirm that the lesion is in fact a wart and not a cancer
Skin Tags

What are skin tags?
Skin tags are benign growth on the surface of the skin that occur when the skin rubs against itself. They are small and usually occur on the neck or under arms in clusters. They are more common with age, pregnancy, and obesity.
How do you remove skin tags?
There are several ways to remove skin tags. We can use topical or local lidocaine so you don't feel a things! We can then cauterize or excise the skin tags. The lesions will scab and heal within a week or so. The removals are very well tolerated.